Friday, February 5, 2010

Three Year Olds

First off, you should know that all two year olds are D’s. They wield their emerging independence like a weapon, hence, “the terrible twos.” Three is about the earliest you can actually tell which way a child’s personality will go. There are plenty of indicators before then, but by the time they reach three they can walk and talk and interact almost like humans. So I love to watch three year olds and, as luck would have it, I teach a Sunday school class full of them.

It’s fun to watch them in a group setting. The outgoing, driven D’s will invariably jockey for position as the line leader and I have the hardest time getting them to let me teach the lesson. I don’t even remotely have the fun-loving I’s attention during the lesson, but when it’s singing time it’s a different story ( I’m sure we can be heard halfway around the building). The sweet, quiet S’s don’t give me any problems and are the ones most likely to be found on my lap. And the detail oriented little C’s take FOREVER to finish their coloring pages and are the first ones to tell me if I vary our routine in the slightest.

Which brings me to my favorite "DISC moment" of the month... a few weeks ago we were listening to a CD in class where a narrator described a scene and the children were acting it out. They were pretending to take a walk in the woods and the narrator said, “Look children! There is a little bunny hopping along the path. Can you hop like a bunny boys and girls?” at which point they all start jumping up and down. Except Andy. Andy is my D. I looked over at him while all of the other children were hopping around the room. Was he hopping? No. He had his imaginary gun pointed at the imaginary bunnies and was picking them off one by one. (insert sigh) Such a D.


Unknown said...

I love that you posted this! I get a kick out of it every time I think of it! I knew as soon as you described the D in your earlier comments in this post that he was the one you were talking about! :D So glad you're his teacher and can understand where he's coming from!

Abby said...

I was cracking up when Kim posted this story as her facebook status! He is hilarious!